Michelle Pagliaro Haywood, DC talks about Chiropractic Care at OSM

Video Transcript

Hi – my name is Michelle Pagliaro Haywood. I am a chiropractor here at the orthopaedic and sports medicine Center. I started here in the spring of 1998 and at that time OSM was the first orthopaedic office in the state of Connecticut to have a chiropractor on staff. I think it really goes to show the foresight that the founding partners of OSM had bringing in a chiropractor to offer a different form of treatment to their patients. At this point, we are a multiple disciplinary practice with many different specialties. I’ve often described OSM to my patients as a toolbox and we have many tools available to you in our toolbox. We have orthopaedic surgeons, we have chiropractors, we have physiatrists, we have physician’s assistants, we have physical therapists and we have certified athletic trainers. We often work together in helping to give our patients the best outcome for their condition.