Michelle Pagliaro Haywood, DC, ESCS, CCSMS
Dr. Michelle Pagliaro Haywood is a certified chiropractic sports physician with Connecticut Orthopaedics. She is a graduate of Brown University with a degree in human biology. She played basketball and softball for the Bears. As the point guard she led the Women’s basketball team to 3 consecutive Ivy League championships. The last one gave the Bears the first automatic bid for an Ivy League school to the women’s national tournament. She received post season accolades every season she competed with both teams. She went onto graduate summa cum laude with her doctorate degree at the National College of Chiropractic in Lombard, Il. In 1998 when she joined the Orthopaedic and Sports Medicine Center. They became the first orthopaedic office in the state to have a chiropractor on staff. In 2012 she was inducted into the Brown University Athletic Department Hall of Fame. In 2013 Griffin Hospital named her one of the Women Making a Difference in the Valley and in 2015 she was inducted into the St Joseph High School Athletic Department Hall of Fame. Dr. Pagliaro was the team chiropractor for Sacred Heart University from 1998-2017 and served as the team chiropractor for the Bridgeport Bluefish for 10 years. She is the volunteer coordinator for Center Stage Theatre in Shelton, CT and volunteers at St. Vincent DePaul in Derby, CT and The Spooner House in Shelton, CT. She is a city of Shelton Parks and Recreation Commissioner and serves on the St. Margaret Mary’s Church Health Counsel in Shelton, CT. She is also a Fellow of Trumbull College at Yale University.