Pain Management Doctors in Connecticut

Find relief from pain and improve your quality of life.

If constant or recurring pain is keeping you from the life you enjoy, make an appointment to meet with one of Connecticut’s best pain management specialists. Our board-certified pain management doctors are experts at diagnosing the root causes of your pain and developing a therapeutic plan to help you manage or, in many cases, eliminate it. Don’t let pain run your life ­– let our orthopaedic team help you find a way to move forward.

Our Pain Management Specialists

    Common Injuries and Conditions that Our Pain Management Specialists Treat

    • Low Back Pain
    • Thoracic Back Pain
    • Neck Pain
    • Sciatica
    • Peripheral Neuropathies (Pinched Nerve)
    • Arthritis
    • Fibromyalgia
    • Complex Regional Pain Syndrome

    Our Comprehensive Approach to Pain Management

    Being in pain can set you back. Whether your pain is caused by osteoarthritis, a chronic back problem, recent surgery, or complex regional pain syndrome, it affects your day-to-day routine and can lead to changes in your life.

    At Connecticut Orthopaedics, our approach to pain management includes interventional, medical, and rehabilitative techniques. Our compassionate doctors take the time to listen to learn how pain is affecting your life. We work to diagnose the cause of your pain so we can develop a personalized plan to relieve your pain and improve function.

    We specialize in diagnostic and therapeutic lumbar spine procedures, radio frequency neurotomy, joint injections and other pain management treatments. If you’re suffering from acute or chronic pain, make an appointment to discuss treatment options with one of our pain management doctors.